Midsouth Food Bank / Lindenwood Mobile Food Pantry

Lindenwood, in conjunction with Midsouth Food Bank, offers a mobile pickup site to provide food for those who are in need.  We offer food on the second Saturday of each month (except July, August, and January).  The hours 9am – 10:30am (or until all food has been distributed)

The food is provided to us at a lower cost by the food bank.  Donations are accepted to help cover the cost of food.  Please write check to Lindenwood Christian Church / co food drive.  Mailing address is Lindnewood, 2400 Union Ave. Memphis, TN 38112

Food is available to all who are in need.

Volunteers are needed to sort and hand out the food and set up and breakdown stations.  We ask that volunteers be at least 16 years old.  The food is sorted into 8-9 stations and is placed into the vehicle’s trunk as they drive through our parking lot at 2400 Union Ave.

Click here to volunteer. If you do not sign up, show up and we will find a place for you. Invite a friend to either share in the food or to volunteer. We serve in all types of weather, please dress for outdoor weather conditions. 

Lindenwood Meals at Westy’s

Lindenwood serves hot and nutritious meals to the homeless in our community at Westy’s in downtown Memphis. Volunteers are needed for food prep on Thanksgiving Eve at 6:30pm and serving meals, set up, and clean up on Thanksgiving and Christmas day with multiple shifts to choose from starting at 6:00am – 2pm. Westy’s is located downtown at 346 N Main.

This is a great volunteering opportunity for adults and families alike.  Thanksgiving Eve is a fun time of cutting vegetables for the Thanksgiving meal.  It’s laid back and a great time to socialize with others. You can purchase a meal or drinks while you are there.

Thanksgiving Day is a heart-warming experience as we serve over 750 people who otherwise would not be eating a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal.

Donations are accepted to help cover the cost of food.  Please write check to Lindenwood Christian Church / co Westy’s Meals.  Mailing address is Lindenwood, 2400 Union Ave. Memphis, TN 38112

Click here to volunteer. If you do not sign up, show up and we will find a place for you.  Invite a friend to either share in the food or to volunteer. We serve the food outside in all types of weather, please dress for outdoor weather conditions.

Adopt-a-School - Peabody Elementary

Lindenwood ministers to students, teachers, and administrators. Lindenwood hosts an annual school supply drive for Peabody School in July to provide supplies to students and teachers.

Christmas Gift. Donations are accepted as we provide families at Peabody with a little something extra to make Christmas e wonderful experience for our families.


Team Read

Volunteer tutors make learning fun and provide students with extra time on learning tasks as well as provide a positive role model. Research consistently shows that one-on-one tutoring has a significant and long-lasting impact on student achievement. For more information, please call Peabody Elementary School for details.

Room in the Inn

Room in the Inn provides a safe and caring overnight shelter for the homeless during the winter months.  We partner with Water Christian Church.  Volunteers can choose to donate supplies, prepare meals, or spend the night.  For more information, visit ritimemphis.org


Any questions concerning outreach programs can be directed to Phil Vaughn - pvaughn@lindenwoodcc.org